I Like Mayonaise On My Politics

I like mayonaise and politics. Just in case you've never tried it, I recommend you make 'em into one sandwitch. Mayonaise is creamy, tasty and politics are not, so it somewhat makes a neutral meal.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

George Galloway Kicks Ass

George Galloway blows away Sky News

A lot of people really hate the fact that I do not support Israel. How can I possibly support a nation like Israel, though. It refuses in all manners to cooperate with the nations surrounding it because of this zionistic ideal that it deserves to be where it is. Well, I disagree and so does George Galloway. And if you've never viewed Hezbollah as a freedom fighting force, then I suppose you should never argue with Mr Galloway.


Sure Clinton was a fumbling President. Which President hasn't screwed up and if you think not, I recommend being President yourself for once. But here is living proof that Clinton is far more self-aware and open of his policies than I can imagine Bush ever has been. This leads me to believe that Clinton's honesty and conviction with his ideals is far greater than our present leader. In the context of this interview, you will see Clinton destroying his opponent with wonderful tact, much like George Galloway.

Clinton Kicks Chris Wallace's Ass on Fox News

Wings of Dreams

I want to say you look good
even though I know
better than that
You've lost control
and I am getting so tired
I'd like to sleep in a home on the range
and I'd be tired enough
to forget it as
it passes through
news to my conscience.

Hark, It's getting lower. Perhaps we're waiting to see how far it can drop down.
The olive branch, no longer held--
The arrows are all that has been left
for the wings of dreams to carry out.

Hey, look I've been watching you work
And I know you
better than this
I hold you to the first kiss
You gave when you came close.
See you talking like you know things
And you've given up
Faster than me
In the attempt of solving things
Or did you even?

Feel, it's only feelings. No one can care now; since their hatred has been quelled now
by images of what is good
by thoughts of things they wish they could
still no children play in the street.

Scared? You feeling scared now? It won't get better. The sky will be red in warning.
The bombs won't kill you in your bed.
The bombs will take your soul instead
Through the onset of fear
Through the cavity in the screen
Through the falseness in your tears
Through the place you've never been
Through the wash and wave of mindless cheers.


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